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Informatics Competitions

  • CAT. The Computational & Algorithmic Thinking Competition is an open-entry problem solving competition designed to identify talent, and acts as a stepping stone to the AIO. It consists of questions that require an algorithmic approach, but students do not need any experience with programming to participate. You can find more information here:

  • AIIO. The Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad is a programming competition designed to assist with the training and selection of the IOI team.

  • FARIO. The French-Australian Regional Informatics Olympiad is a programming competition designed to assist with the training and selection of the IOI team.

  • APIO. The Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad is a regional programming competition. 

  • IOI. The International Olympiad in Informatics is the most prestigious programming competition for students of high school age in the world. Each country sends a team of four to compete. More information including past papers can be found here:

The following document provides links and resources to assist you in training for the above: Informatics Competitions.pdf

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